About the definition of angle, from Geometric Algebra

In GA, bivectors represent  2-dimensional directions. Any simple bivector can be written as
\theta e_1e_2
with \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(\{e_i\}\) unitary and orthogonal vectors. The unitary vectors specify the 2-direction itself, and \(\theta\) is the size (analogous to the length of a vector, that is a 1-dimensional direction).

Given two vectors \(a\) and \(b\) (that we take to be unitary, wlog) we say that the simple bivector \(\theta e_1e_2\) is the angle formed by them if
ab=e^{\theta e_1 e_2}
where we take as a definition
e^A=1+A+A^2 /2+\cdots=\lim_N (1+\frac{A}{N})^N

Real analysis let us assure that this expression is well defined when \(A\) is a 2-blade. In fact, since \(e_1e_2e_1e_2=-1\), we can write
e^{\theta e_1 e_2}=cos(\theta)+e_1 e_2sin(\theta)
where \(cos\) and \(sin\) are defined by their power series.

Oserve that \(b=a e^{\theta e_1 e_2}\) and then
b=a(cos(\theta)+e_1 e_2sin(\theta))=a\cdot cos(\theta)+ ae_1e_2 \cdot sin(\theta)
and from here we conclude that \(a\) is in the plane generated by \(e_1\) and \(e_2\), since otherwise we would have a trivector in the right hand side of the above equation. Of course, \(b\) is also inside the plane.

The fact that \(ab=e^{\theta e_1 e_2}\) can be interpreted as follows. We have that
b=a e^{\theta e_1 e_2}\cong a(1+\frac{\theta e_1 e_2}{N})^N=a+\frac{\theta}{N}a_{\perp}+\cdots
whose meaning is that we arrive to \(b\) from \(a\) by applying a special infinite process. We need such an infinite process because we are  producing a circle with straight lines operations, as you can observe at this gif:

From this starting point we can prove and define all the usual trigonometry. For example, observe that
ab=a\cdot b+a\wedge b=
=\mu +\lambda e_1e_2
and is satisfied that \(\mu=cos(\theta)\) and \(\lambda=sin(\theta)\). Since \(baab=1\) we can show that

In this context, we can define \(\pi\) as the lowest real positive number \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}\) such that
e_1 e_2=e^{\frac{\theta}{2} e_1 e_2}

Now, natural questions arise: could \(\pi\) be the same for every pair of unitary orthogonal vectors \(e'_1, e'_2\)? Moreover, is the only one?

We can deal with the unicity question by means of real analysis by studying the pair of equations
and we will arrive to the usual conclusions.

On the other hand, suppose \(e'_1 e'_2\) are other unitary and orthogonal vectors. Then
e^{\frac{\pi}{2}e'_1 e'_2}=cos(\pi/2)+e'_1 e'_2 sin(\pi/2)=e'_1 e'_2

So \(\pi\) is universal for every 2-direction.

From here we can conclude usual facts like
e^{\pi i}=-1
where we have called \(i=e_1e_2\) to resemble the famous expression. To see it, take any unitary \(v\) spanned by \(e_1, e_2\). And then, since
-v=ve_1e_2e_1e_2=ve^{\frac{\pi}{2} e_1 e_2}e^{\frac{\pi}{2} e_1 e_2}=ve^{\pi e_1e_2}
and therefore
e^{\pi i}=-1

Observe that we have used that
e^A e^B=e^{A+B}
but this is true whenever \(AB=BA\).


  1. You cant define angles using 90° basis, you need to define angle before using angles

  2. There is no problem here, since in a geometric algebra we define orthogonality by means of the scalar product which, indeed, is defined from the geometric product that we assume in it. You could argue than then: why all this stuff? Taking the acos() of the scalar product we have angles anyway...

    But the point here is that in this entry ANGLES ARE NOT NUMBER, but a different kind of objects: bivectors, that give more coherence to the main operations with angles.

    Thanks for your comment.


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